This is us. Well… this was us. Ty, Alex, The Babe, and our rescue Beagle Nollie.
Before foster care we didn’t have any biological children. We had never parented. We have no clue what we were doing. We said yes anyway.
We often got asked (and still get asked, just not as much) if we were doing foster care because we couldn’t have bio kids. Sometimes that was just assumed and wasn’t even asked. But the reality is, we had never once tried. We had no idea if we could have biological children or not. (We would find out in December of 2018 that we were pregnant but would later lose that baby)
But we did know that God was calling us to say yes, and you don’t delay obedience because you think your plan is better.
As I’ve shared before, this baby was our first long term placement. He made us parents. He was 7 days old when he arrived in our home. He stayed with us for 10.5 months.
We went from not being parents, to becoming parents overnight, to then not being parents again… and holy crap was that harder than expected. I told myself that I couldn’t do foster care again until I had a biological baby that was mine to keep. I made that an idol; I told myself over and over that everything would be better and perfect once I had a baby.
While going through our miscarriage, God taught me that no child is actually ours. They’re His and He is the most loving, most concerned, most compassionate, most caring, most PERFECT dad. He is better at parenting than I ever could dream to be; His plans are perfect. And I’m so comforted by that.